أرشيف المدونة

على لسان زعيم عربي – أحمد مطر


أنا السببْ
في كل ما جرى لكم
يا أيها العربْ
سلبتُكم أنهارَكم
والتينَ والزيتونَ والعنبْ
أنا الذي اغتصبتُ أرضَكم
وعِرضَكم ، وكلَّ غالٍ عندكم
أنا الذي طردتُكم
من هضْبة الجولان والجليلِ والنقبْ

والقدسُ ، في ضياعها ،
كنتُ أنا السببْ

نعم أنا .. أنا السببْ

أنا الذي لمَّا أتيتُ : المسجدُ الأقصى ذهبْ

أنا الذي أمرتُ جيشي ، في الحروب كلها
بالانسحاب فانسحبْ

أنا الذي هزمتُكم
أنا الذي شردتُكم
وبعتكم في السوق مثل عيدان القصبْ

أنا الذي كنتُ أقول للذي
يفتح منكم فمَهُ
Shut up

نعم أنا .. أنا السببْ .
في كل ما جرى لكم يا أيها العربْ .
وكلُّ من قال لكم ، غير الذي أقولهُ

فقد كَذبْ

فمن لأرضكم سلبْ ..؟

ومن لمالكم نَهبْ .؟

ومن سوايَ مثلما اغتصبتكم قد اغتَصبْ .؟

بكل ما أوتيتُ من وقاحةٍ وجرأةٍ
وقلةٍ في الذوق والأدبْ
أنا الذي أخذتُ منكم كل ما هبَّ ودبْ
ولا أخاف أحداً
ألستُ رغم أنفكم
أنا الزعيمُ المنتخَبْ .!؟
لم ينتخبني أحدٌ لكنني
إذا طلبتُ منكم
في ذات يوم ، طلباً
هل يستطيعٌ واحدٌ منكم
أن يرفض لي الطلبْ .؟


أجعلهُ يغوص في دمائه حتى الرُّكبْ

فلتقبلوني ، هكذا كما أنا

أو فاشربوا

"من بحر العرب"

ما دام لم يعجبْكم العجبْ
ولا الصيامُ في رجبْ

فلتغضبوا إذا استطعتم
بعدما قتلتُ في نفوسكم روحَ التحدي والغضبْ

وبعدما شجَّعتكم على الفسوق والمجون والطربْ

وبعدما أقنعتكم
أن المظاهراتِ فوضى ليس إلا وشَغَبْ

وبعدما علَّمتكم أن السكوتَ من ذهبْ
وبعدما حوَّلتُكم إلى جليدٍ وحديدٍ وخشبْ

وبعدما أرهقتُكم
وبعدما أتعبتُكم
حتى قضى عليكمُ الإرهاقُ والتعبْ

يا من غدوتم في يديَّ كالدُّمى وكاللعبْ

نعم أنا .. أنا السببْ

في كل ما جرى لكم
فلتشتموني في الفضائياتِ
إن أردتم والخطبْ

وادعوا عليَّ في صلاتكم وردِّدوا

‘ تبت يداهُ مثلما تبت يدا أبي لهبْ ‘

قولوا بأني خائنٌ لكم
وكلبٌ وابن كلبْ

ماذا يضيرني أنا ؟!
ما دام كل واحدٍ في بيتهِ

يريد أن يسقطني بصوتهِ

وبالضجيج والصَخب أنا هنا ، ما زلتُ أحمل الألقاب كلها
وأحملُ الرتبْ .
أُطِلُّ ، كالثعبان ، من جحري عليكم

فإذا ما غاب رأسي لحظةً ،

ظلَّ الذَنَبْ




New Protest Calling for Tal Mallohi Freedom in Washington

Human rights activists and supporters of Tal Mallohi (Tal al-Mallohi) case are heading toward Washington DC to protest against the cases of “prisoners of conscience” and “forced disappearance”. The U.S. administration over at the White House has always been a guardian of human rights and civil liberties cases; however, the administration has turned its back on violations of human rights in Syria for the sake of other agenda it has at the moment.

It is a shame that countries which label themselves “Freedom Protectors” cannot intervene in cases like Tal Mallohi or Haytham Malleh because they have policies to get Iran to its side through Assad’s regime turning a blind eye on violations of his citizens rights and safety.

We have, as activists, to make Arab governments violations against civil liberties and freedom of expression cases known to all countries in the world. These behaviors by Assad and Mubarak security agencies against their citizens are unacceptable no more. It is time that we stop listening to and making statements and denouncement and start protesting and debunking Arab governments violations against their citizens.

Syria: Why is Assad Afraid of a 19-Year-Old Girl? :: Hudson New York


Syria: Why is Assad Afraid of a 19-Year-Old Girl?

by Khaled Abu Toameh
October 12, 2010 at 5:00 am


Syrian dictator Bashar Assad has finally been able to get some sleep since one of the biggest threats to his regime has been removed.

He believes that President Barack Obama used a teenage blogger to spy on him and his regime. The girl has since been arrested and could spend the rest of her life in prison.

Assad’s notorious and ruthless secret services, the mukhabarat, deserve credit for "saving" the regime in Damascus from yet another US "conspiracy."

Read the rest of this entry

افرجوا عن طل الملوحي Free Tal: The Syrian Regime Should Immediately Release Tal Almlouhi – Statement


Immediately Release Tal Almlouhi – Statement

إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول هذه المشاركة. المشاركة في Twitter المشاركة في Facebook المشاركة في نبضات Google

(statement of support to for urgent distribution)
The Syrian Regime Should Immediately Release Tal Almlouhi – Statement
We have been following with great concern the arrest and detention of Tal Malouhi, Syrian blogger and student, since late December 2009. We urge Syrian authorities to release her immediately and guarantee her safety and the safety of her family. We also hope that the international community and humanitarian organizations in the region and around the world would coordinate their efforts to pressure the Syrian regime to release Malouhi and others who were arbitrarily detained.By signing the International Declaration of Human Rights, Syria became obliged to guarantee the freedom of expression of Syrian citizens. Authorities must not arrest or harass citizens for their opinions which they might express using any medium of their choosing. Citizens must not be jailed after mock trials carried out by the Supreme State Security Court instead of a fair trial in a civilian court.
The forced disappearance of an ill 19 year old girl, preventing her from taking school exams and her preventing her family from knowing where’s she’s being held or visiting her, is a crime that its perpetrators should be held accountable in front of a court of law. It’s a disgrace that the writings of this young girl on her three blogs, support of the most vulnerable people in the region and around the world, would be the reason for torturing her behind bars.While we commend the latest report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights, we call unto them to add an appendix documenting cases of arbitrary arrest and enforced disappearances including the case of Tal Malouhi and dozens of minors under the age of twenty .
We call on Brigadier-general Ghassan Khalil, head of the Information Branch of the State Security Administration, to immediately and publicly disclose the fate of this girl. We hold the Syrian security apparatus responsible for any physical assault Malouhi might have suffered during the period of her arrest .The Syrian regime, which seeks to improve its foreign relations and to restore the path of negotiating the European partnership, should not forget that its shameful record on human rights will be available to everyone before any agreements which they seek to sign.We urge public figures and Syrian organizations operating in the country to intensify efforts to unveil the the whereabouts of Tal Malouhi, and demand her immediate release, as well as providing her with much needed psychological and medical care.We commend the call upon human rights movements in the region and around the world to mobilize protests in front of Syrian diplomatic headquarters globally.
Furthermore, we are thankful for all the efforts to defend this helpless youth against the crimes of the regime.We urge you to intervene by using all legal and diplomatic channels and continuing to pressure the Syrian regime for the release of Tal Malouhi and all prisoners of conscience in Syria.12 September 2010.
*who: 19-year old female bloggger. Kindnapped illegally.
*Whereabouts: unkown. No acces to legal defenece.
*What: Freedom of speech, net freedom, arbitrary detention, extra-judicial kidanpping.
*Where: Syria. Who: Ghassan Khalil, Asma Alassad (organizations she patrons, student groups at her university)
Add your signature, your country.

افرجوا عن طل الملوحي Free Tal: The Syrian Regime Should Immediately Release Tal Almlouhi – Statement